The difficulty of a bikepacking route is determined by many factors, so it is difficult to say in one word.
Nonetheless, we would like to know an objective assessment of difficulty. So, I calculated the difficulty of the Korea Epic Ride by applying the difficulty rating criteria defined in the article written by Rogan Watts on
The calculation method is the elevation gain per 1KM of riding distance, which is expressed as a number divided by the elevation gain (meters) divided by the riding distance (KM).
The Korea Epic Ride difficulty level calculated using this method is as follows.
-Epic500: Very Strenuous (9~10) 25.76=13,400m/520km
-Epic300: Strenuous (7~8) 23.56 = 7,000m/297km
After all, Korea Epic Ride is either 'Strenuous or very Strenuous ...'
