1. Schedule
- Jul.31 (Sat) Start riding 07:00 in the morning(You may need to arrived before night)
Overnight in the mountains after riding.(somewhere between Seokgae-jae and Sakat-jea)
-Aug.1 (Sun) After riding, return to the start point, return home.
2. Description
It starts at Daunchi and goes around clockwise for about 75 km.
If you want join, we recommand MTB Bikepacking. (You must prepare your own equipment for camping and meals.) You can ride gravel, but it is not recommended.
The meals to be prepared are lunch and dinner on the 1st day, and breakfast + lunch(maybe) on the 2nd day.

Parking & Ride start point
Address:San 22-15, Gwanghoe-ri, Geumgangsong-myeon, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Street view of Ride start point

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